Traveling To Gustavus
Below are the airlines that will bring you to Juneau, Alaska's capital. After you arrive, there are 3 options to Gustavus: short jet, bush plane, or ferry ride. Most people who visit our lodge in Gustavus travel here by short jet from Juneau, using Alaska Airlines. Once you reach the airport or dock we have a complimentary shuttle van that will pick you up and take you back to our lodge. Let us know if you are not coming in on Alaskan Airlines in order to not leave you stranded at the airport. When planning your trip, plan to arrive in Gustavus on Monday and leave on Saturday.
Air & Sea

Alaskan Airlines
This commercial airline makes a daily round-trip from Juneau to the Alaskan Anglers Inn in the afternoon. They operate the only jet to Gustavus. View their flights

American Airlines
This commercial airline will fly to and from Juneau. You will then connect with another airline or ferry service to finish your trip. View their flights

Delta Airlines
This commercial airline will fly to and from Juneau. You will then connect with another airline or ferry service to finish your trip to Gustavus. View their flights

Alaska Seaplanes
Being a commuter airline, they offer frequent trips to Gustavus. Their fleet of twelve aircrafts helps you get you where you need to go. View their flights